Friday, April 27, 2012

The Greatest Tour Guide

Devine Leading The greatest privilege in life is to have God lead you in the journey of life. The bible says that God knows the end from the beginning; He is the best guide anyone can have since He already knows direction you’re heading. When direction is not known, destination is lost, when destination is lost then destiny is lost. If the lord takes the lead you cannot stumble in life. This God is to righteous and faith to mess with your destiny. No wonder David could say in psalm 23, that the lord is His Shepherd and he leads him besides the fresh pool of water and gives him green pastures. The spirit of struggle can only have a hold on men that are not led by God. God knows the way to the place of fulfillment and he can lead us all besides the still waters. When God is with you, you can’t stop in the valley; rather he will lead you on so you can see how gracious He is. He also prepares a table before you in the presence of you enemies and makes your cup run to the overflow. Then surely goodness will follow you when you are surely following God. If you’re led by God then this things shall follow you because “who you follow determines what follows you”. It’s only when you decide to go against the leading of God that unpleasant things and circumstances can have access to you. In Jeremiah it is written that; Jeremiah 10:23 O LORD, I know that the way of man [is] not in himself: [it is] not in man that walketh to direct his steps. (KJV) The ways of man is definitely not in himself but it is the lord God that directs and anyone who goes out of the direction will lose bearing and when bearing is lost then surely like an aircraft that loses bearing and control in mid-air, troubles and turbulence is inevitable. The best tour guide you can have is God Himself. Ask Him to lead you and you won’t miss your way.

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